Sunday, May 25, 2014


"If I had another life
I would want to spend it all on some
unstinting happiness.

I would be a fox, or a tree
full of waving branches.
I wouldn’t mind being a rose
in a field full of roses.

Fear has not yet occurred to them, nor ambition.
Reason they have not yet thought of.
Neither do they ask how long they must be roses, and then what.
Or any other foolish question.”
-Mary Oliver, Roses, Late Summer

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sweet Melancholy

Today, it rains. Not a dull, cold rain, but a vibrant splashing on the windows, water pouring from the sky, a promise of a greener tomorrow. I love sunshine to death, but there is something to be said for a good downpour. It is like a cleansing, a baptism for the earth. It's beautiful. Rain also gives me this slight sense of melancholy. Not in a bad way, but rather melancholy with a certain sweetness to it. The kind that makes you want to curl up in a blanket and read poetry. So I did just that. After taking Margot out and getting thoroughly drenched, I toweled myself off, made myself a cup of tea and headed upstairs to my bedroom. I lit a few candles, played my favorite Bon Iver album, For Emma, Forever Ago, and simply burrowed myself in blankets with my book of John Keats poetry. Oh, how delightful it is to feel so warm and safe inside your room as the rain pounds against the windows. I also pulled out my woolen socks, one of the only things I miss about winter right now. After reading a few of my favorite poems and feeling delightfully melancholy, I opened my well-worn moleskin journal and wrote about this glorious rainfall and the magic in poetry. It was certainly a lovely afternoon. 

There was also a bit of thunder, which exhilarated me but unfortunately scared Ellie, my other dog, half to death. She was shaking and trembling on my lap as the thunder rolled across the sky. I managed to snap this photo of her though, amidst all of her panic. She's such a cutie, although not usually the photogenic one of the two. I love her to death though. 

Monday, May 19, 2014


Today has been one of those days where I am truly thankful for all of the good in my life, for there is so much for me to be grateful for. I'm thankful for spring, and blooming lavenders, and reading John Keats' Ode To a Nightingale aloud outside as I lay in my hammock. I'm thankful for delicious baked goods and the way sunshine feels on bare feet and for having friends that truly connect to your soul. I'm thankful for days where I can sit outside in the grass, reading a book and listening to the Avett Brothers. I'm thankful for yoga and meditation, and all of the peace it has brought me in my hectic life. I'm grateful for beautiful Mexican blankets and healing crystals and my two darling dogs sleeping on my legs. I'm grateful for the world finally being in full bloom, for the green plumes sprouting from tree branches, for songbirds beckoning me awake in the early morning. I'm thankful for prayer and the Lord and all the good he bestows upon us. I'm thankful for the hard times, the dark days, and the mountains we must climb in life, for they unveil all that is beautiful within this earth. I'm thankful for the people that care about me even though I often wonder why they do. I'm grateful to be alive, grateful to be given this chance to leave my footprint on the earth, however small it may be. I'm thankful for life. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Flea Market Wandering

Today was an absolutely lovely day. It was in the high sixties, the sun was shining, the sky was vast and blue--it was gorgeous. So a friend and I went over to a nearby flea market, which was absolutely amazing. Everything that was being sold was amazing, from WWII gas masks to old records--this market is amazing. I was swooning around every corner.
I can't believe that I've never been to this market before--it's absolutely fabulous. I came home so happy, my bag filled with goodies. Here's what I got:

Mexican Blanket

I have been searching for a good Mexican blanket for what feels like forever, and I'm thrilled that I finally found one. I love the colors in this blanket, they're gorgeous, and I got it for a pretty good price too. Yay for flea markets!

Dream Catcher Earrings

As you all know, I'm head over heels in love with dream catchers, so it seemed appropriate for me to get some dream catcher earrings for my very own. I love them, and they make such a pretty sound when I shake my head around. They're my new favorite earrings for sure.

Blue Calcite and Amethyst Stones

I'm really big into yoga and meditation, and I've been wanting to invest in some crystals for a long while. These two are wonderful, and will be great for meditation, or just to hold or carry around in my pocket. The purple on top is an Amethyst gemstone, and is believed to help with dreams, healing, intuition, peace, love, and happiness. The Blue Calcite on the bottom is used for calm, communication, and to amplify learning. I love them both, and I am so excited to start a collection of gemstones and crystals. Someday I hope to have enough so that I can create a ring around where I sit down to meditate, so I can really feel all the energy absorb into my body as my incense burns. But for now, I'm happy with these two.
I also had to add this adorable picture I snapped of Margot when I was trying to take a picture of my blanket, because how cute is she? She's been sleeping ever since I got home- a result of a long hike with my dad. She's really just the sweetest, and she's getting bigger and bigger every day!

Going to this flea market really made my weekend, and I want to go back as soon as I can. Was there anything fun in your guys' weekends? Tell me all about it!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Dreamcatchers and Maxi Skirts

Maxi skirts are probably one of my all time favorite items of clothing. I'm wearing them nonstop, because they're just so amazing! They really work for all seasons, and there's so many different options and choices you can make to style them to how you like. They're great for the summertime, because they're flowy and breathable, but you can always wear them when it's colder out too by just throwing a pair of leggings on underneath! 

Margot decided to sneak into a few of my photographs, and I don't mind--she's the cutest thing in the world.

t-shirt from Cotton On // thrifted cardigan // Target skirt and shoes // homemade necklace

In other news, I've found my new favorite thing to photograph: dreamcatchers. They're so whimsical and have such a spiritual, sylvan feel to them that I just absolutely love. I had a blast taking pictures of these the other day.

Aren't they just lovely? I borrowed these from a friend, but I have to get some of my own. The wind chimes sound beautiful too. I'm going to a flea market this Sunday, so hopefully there might be some there! What are your guys' weekend plans? Doing anything interesting?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Beautiful Details

Today I decided to slow down my pace a bit, and focus my attention towards the smaller details in life that are often missed. I tried to focus on cherishing each individual moment rather than living in the past or the future. As I slowed my pace, breathing in the tiny details in life, I felt my soul sigh in delight, for I began to remember how much beauty is in this world, and how grateful I am for all of the wonderful little details. Today I found myself thankful for an abundance of things, and it truly opened my eyes to how lucky I am, and how I need to stop moving every once and I while, and just focus on the little things. Here are the little things I am grateful for today.

Margot (my puppy) sitting on my feet

Clean white sheets on my bed

Sore muscles

Good books 

Dreary mornings followed by bright afternoons

Mason Jars

Long hikes with my dog

Bare feet in the grass

A tall glass of sweet tea when you're thirsty

This day has been a wonderful reminder for me to take more time to slow down, and appreciate the life and the earth we live in.  There is so much beauty in the world, so why not take a moment to recognize and bask in it?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Oversized Button Down

I got this green oversized button down at Cotton On, one of my favorite stores in the mall, and one thing I absolutely love about it is how versatile it can be. It's lightweight, making it perfect for spring weather, but it also goes with all sorts of outfits. These are just two different ways to wear this button down, but there are so many combinations you can create. That's what I love about it. I feel like I could wear it every day for two weeks and never repeat the same look twice. Plus, it's extremely comfortable, and I'm all about comfort these days. Both outfits were ridiculously simple and easy to do, but ended up looking great too. I've gotten so much wear out of this shirt already, and I bet that I'll get even more use out of it once autumn rolls around, since it's great for layering.

First outfit: Target flats // Francesca's shorts // Cotton On blouse and shirt
Second Outfit: Target sandals // Target shirt dress // Cotton on button down

I'm so happy that the cold weather is pretty much behind us, and it feels great to be wearing light, breathable clothes again. I'm so tired of jeans and sweaters. What are you guys wearing now that the weather is warming up?