Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Photography…and stuff

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've been extremely busy. It's that time of year again where there's only a few weeks left of school so the teachers decide to cram in last minute assignments and research papers and all that nonsense, when all the students are pretty much ready to check out and go into full on summertime mode. So since I've been busy writing research papers and trying to figure out how to solve a logarithmic function, blogging has kind of taken a back seat. 
But I miss it! Oh, I've only been blogging for a few weeks and I'm a baby in this enormous blogosphere but it's so stinking fun. It's a way to let out all of my stifled creative juices and share my love for fashion and photography and all that jazz to my viewers (if I have more than three) without it feeling like a social media site that has all these unwritten "rules" and social conducts you must obey. So here I am, blogging again. It feels lovely. 

I honestly wanted to do an outfit post today but I didn't have the time and it's starting to get stormy outside, so I decided to share some photos I've been taking recently instead. Most of them are from the past week or two, but there's a few that I took months ago as well. I'm so happy with how green everything is--isn't it absolutely delightful? 

The above was taken right outside my front door a few weeks ago, before the leaves grew in. The sunset was even more gorgeous in person. 

I've decided that dew is nature's very own diamonds. Oh, how it glistens and shines--I'm in love. 

I hope you enjoyed some of these photographs, and I promise I'll start blogging more often now. Perhaps an outfit post is right around the corner! Have a lovely week, you wonderful people. 

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