Monday, September 8, 2014

More than a Condition


My diagnosis as stated by the doctors: Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, EDNOS, Borderline traits, and Trichotillomania. 
Funny, nowhere in that diagnosis do I see the name "Julia." Because guess what-- you are not your illnesses. Your conditions can not and will not define you. It's very easy to let your illnesses define who you are. But here's the thing---they don't. My struggles with mental illness have made me the person I am today. I am stronger, more mature, and more empathetic because of it. But that doesn't mean that I am my conditions. I am so much more than an anxiety disorder, so much more than my depression. You can look through my medical records all you want, but you'll find little about the true me. 
Julia loves the wilderness, and long walks among the trees. She is compassionate towards humans and animals alike, and wishes only to take others' pain away. She is diligent, and strong, and intelligent. Julia is in love with the English language, and could read poetry for hours on end. Julia has a tendency to push others away, but when you truly get to know her, she'll be loyal until the very end. She's an introvert, but she'll spend hours discussing what she's truly passionate about. She loves photography, and looks at the world through a Nikon lens. Born in the fall, she'll dance to the music of Autumn, and sing among the falling leaves. She'll read the rainy days away, and spend the sunny ones in a wobbly old kayak in a smooth, glistening lake. Julia has spent much of her life in darkness, but she believes that there is light. She is willing to fight for what others take for granted, and she is ready to win her battle. 
I am so much more than my conditions, and so are you. Never allow yourself to be defined by a chemical imbalance in your brain. You are worth mountains, and the world deserves to see your shining personality. 
So drop the labels, push aside the diagnosis, and don't ever be afraid to be YOU.

1 comment:

  1. That color is so fun!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire
