Saturday, September 27, 2014

I've been thinking a lot lately
about sadness
and tears.
Perhaps it is because my world is so dark
or because it's all I can find in my mind.
And I think about those who are sad
particularly those with depression.
I would do anything to save them
to take them away from the hell within their skulls
to scoop up their souls
and cradle them
in the crook of my arm.
"Everything is alright now,"
I would croon
to the fractured soul
"You don't deserve this pain,
"I'm here to take it away."
Yet why is it that I fail to care for my own soul
in such a way.
Why is it that I let ice settle in the cracks,
causing my weakened soul to shatter
and pearls to fall from my eyes
a broken, tearful mess.
"Broken is beautiful,"
some people say.
Some people are wrong.
Broken is like jumping 
into the depths of hell
and feeling both an 
icy chill
a scalding burn
across your weak, fragile skin.
Broken is dreaming of death
and being disappointed when you open your eyes
as the sun comes up.
Broken is anything but beautiful.
It is pain.
it is hell.

Why do I write about such pain?
Shouldn't I try to fill the world with positivity?
When I try to express my pain to others
I am met with invalidation.
"have you tried yoga"
"you should meditate"
"just smile more"
"I hear bananas and avocados make you happier"
"oh yeah I was depressed once
"when my cat died
"i was sad for like three days"
"just be grateful for what you have"
"don't you know others have it worse?"
"you're just choosing to wallow in your depression"
"choose happiness"
"stop being so negative"
"why are you choosing to be so miserable?"

I want to scream
until my throat is horse.
Misery is not a choice.
If it was, I would be an idiot
for choosing such pain.
I've tried bananas
I've done yoga
I smile every day
even though that smile is fake. 

So why am I writing about my sadness?
Why dedicate a post to pain and negativity?

Perhaps you wouldn't be asking this
if you first understood
that I did not choose this life
I did not choose this pain
I want to be happy
But just because you try to turn the light on
doesn't mean it will. 

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